Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Who has the best American Story: Obama or McCain?

While following analysis of the election results on CNN, I posed the question question "Who has the best American story Obama or McCain?" on Twitter (which updates my Facebook status to the dismay of some) and the following email conversation ensued. I obviously removed the name and email of the individual with whom I had the conversation.


Pretty hard to beat wasting away in a POW camp for years in service to one's country. Much as I love Obama, I'm going with McCain on this one. I'm disappointed he didn't decisively knock her out tonight. This race needs to end already, it's driving me crazy with all the hoping and waiting.


I think it's pretty much a wash. rags to riches vs. army boy?


Maybe so. But we've had rags to riches already recently (hello Bill Clinton). Been awhile since there's been a certified war hero. Though I wonder how much Vietnam will resonate against a much younger opponent. Not like he'll want to draw endless amounts of attention to the fact that he's so much older.


Vietnam didn't help Kerry (website) and didn't help McCain in 2000, if nothing else people have become less sympathetic to the story and like the military even less. Rags to riches story always make you feel good.  Especially for a black man.


Yes, though I think nothing would have helped Kerry, he ran a pretty poor campaign. Rags to riches is more relatable, something so many of us aspire to. But McCain still gets my vote simply on the merits of the story.


Fair enough.  I'm not picking sides on this one. Just tallying the votes.

Obviously, both candidates have very compelling stories and McCain's service is to be commended at every turn.  However, I really believe that if  each candidate properly tells his life story(barring any swiftboating)neither will have and edge because of it.  Your thoughts?


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