Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Immigration: Losing sight of the real issue

I’ve grown very frustrated with the new Immigration movement over the last few weeks (one of the many reasons I paused on my series on immigration).  Why you ask?  The first part of my frustration stems from the fact that we are letting the opportunity to make serious changes across world turn into a U.S. vs. Mexico issue.  Seriously is the American public that clueless about our immigration issue as to believe that it only revolves around people entering the country from Mexico?  The fact that the journey of people from South and Central America to this country is more documented than the journey of other immigrants groups does not mean by any way, shape or form that are the only immigrants.  If you haven’t noticed yet, not all immigrants to this country are Hispanics. There are people here from Africa, Asia, East Europe and more. There are people in all these groups that are also here illegally.  Just because Hispanics (not even Mexicans) comprise the majority of the immigrants (legal or not) here does not mean they are only one we should be paying attention to.  To do so will fail to address the immigration problem in its entirety.

The other part of the frustration is rooted in the media coverage.  On every radio talk show (including NPR), evening news and etc all the panelists are either Hispanic “leaders” representing “Let everyone in” model and or someone equally idiotic person representing the “Law enforcement” model.  Is that really all we have to throw at this issue?  What happened to trade laws? NAFTA?  Addressing poverty? Addressing corruption?  Come on people!

With all that said I’m glad we’ve got a debate started on Immigration.



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