Saturday, March 11, 2006

ACC Tourney Day # 2

Day 2 started out with a wicked hangover. Do the service ladies really need to bang on the door when they are trying to service the room? It really hurts when you’re hung over. One of the many Maryland alumni associations had a breakfast for the Terps fan staying at the resort. Once we get down there, my name is the only one missing (tiny reminder I’m not really important). So no one in the group wore their name tag. Solidarity. When we walked in the place we were the only people not wearing red. I seriously think the other people looked down of us for that. During breakfast Barbie and I were a bit rude, because we got up in the middle of Mote’s speech to get seconds. But really we couldn’t take the lies and the bad jokes anymore. I remember being a fan of him when I was an undergrad…. Now not so much.

After breakfast, we bummed around till the game time. We watched the second game of the first session. To pass time during the break and the first session, we decided to attend an adult entertainment establishment. Saying that the girls were nothing impressive, would be giving them a compliment. Most looked like they were 3 months pregnant and had been visiting the Taco Bell next door way too often. I was talking to one for while and found that she was graduated college with a 3.9 and just didn’t like her office job after college and that’s why she was dancing… she didn’t like the word stripping. I must the only idiot that actually talks to the strippers. Can you tell I don’t attend often?

At 7pm, we went to watch the reminder of the games. Unfortunately, the Terps got manhandled by B.C. I didn’t except us to win, but I at least expected to show up to play. The beating was so bad we left in the middle of the second half. Can we say NIT?

Back at the hotel bar, the discussions got a little rowdy. A hardcore republican (MP) and a “liberal” (me) talking about politics, the economy, foreign policy and such is just bad. Then you add Greygoose and tonic, a bad loss, and two very stubborn personalities…and you know things are going no where good. No one had to be escorted to their rooms, so think it all ended well. Post bar debate, Barbie, a friend and I made another run and continued drinking till wee hours in the morning. Good times.

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