Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Days by the beach

I’ve been on blogging hiatus because I’ve been out of town. I was in Florida visiting my one of my buddies. When it was planned the trip was supposed to be more couple friendly, since we both were involved at the time. But after my break up, there was a slight change in plans. After being stuck next to some lady who was snoring like it was her job on the flight, I got in Daytona Thursday night and we went straight from the airport to the bar. It was a pretty chill night because we had to drive home. The most memorable moment of the night was when we got to Denny’s. For some reason or another, my buddy got extra plate of sides. I called the waitress over and calmly explained to her that I felt discriminated against because I didn’t get an extra plate of sides. Of course I was joking, but the waitress played along and brought me an extra plate of sides. We tipped her well.

Friday, I attempted a sport white folks refer to as “surfing” a.k.a drink as much whale pee as possible (I was later informed that I makes you dehydrated so you get drunk faster… can someone check on that?). After swallowing about 2 gallons of whale pee, I gave up and concluded the following: Surfing was invited by white people for white people. Why you ask?

  1. Black folks dominate every non-water sports(this include frozen water)

  2. . Any black man not suffering from testicular cancer can not fit in the wet suit.

  3. Historically black people don’t do well with water, mostly because as a race we don’t have nothing good ever happened at sea

Okay maybe the last one is pushing it, but three points is a good round number. To be fair to the white folks, I tried to get in the water after only a two minutes lesson. I did pick up some new terms like “pure wave” and “choppy wave”. And I even know how to put wax on your board.
After the surfing we decided to go out and get completely retarded. I could attempt to tell you the stories but the memory is choppy, a condition that was clearly alcohol related. Plus some things better when experienced than when told. And with a lot of future doctors (my buddy is in med school ish) involved in the debauchery, no photo evidence is available. As cliché as it may sound, what happens in Florida, stays in Florida.

Saturday, I attempted the whole surfing thing again without much more success but less whale pee in my stomach. After which we had a bbq at a friend’s of my buddy place. At the bbq, I was introduced to an amazing concoction called “Gin Bucket”…(1) Handle of Gin, (2) 2 litters of 7 up, (1) can of concentrate lemonade, some lemons and sugar. It’s a dream when well made. Along with the “Gin Bucket”, I was also introduced what could easily be the third best drinking game (first one being Beruit, the second one being asshole): Polish horseshoe. It’s a bit difficult to explain, but requires some “athleticism” (the extra calf muscle came in handy) and some coordination. The only downfall is that it also requires a backward. Saturday night was slightly more belligerent than the night before. But really what did you expect?

Sunday was detox day. It was too windy to “surf”, so we laid on the couches and watched every DVRed shows from the week. Absolutely my favorite day. The flight back on Monday was pretty legit but I could have done without the crazy kids running around, shouting and crying.

I really enjoyed my visit down there. Even with all the debauchery, the best part of the trip was driving around with my buddy, listening to music, telling stories and caching up.

Next trip… ATL, capital of the dirty south.

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